Bell House Doulas
Protect Your Most Valuable Assets
Creating Calm and Confident Parents
What is a Doula?
Doulas are commonly referred to as birth coaches. A doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to a mother before, during, and shortly after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible.
Labor Services
Your Bell House Doula will provide support in three very important ways: Physically, Emotionally, and Educationally.
• Breathing techniques
• Labor positions
• Counter-pressure
• Massage techniques
• Reminders to walk, squat, lunge
A myriad of other techniques designed to decrease the discomfort of labor...
• As you process what matters to you during birth
• As you navigate the emotions associated with birth
• As you manage stress and anxiety
• By offering words of affirmation during difficult times
• By providing validation during decision making
• As a compassionate active and reflective listener
• Vetted resources for a variety of your needs
• Details regarding routine protocols in local birth facilities
• Details on everything from Bishop Score to APGAR scores
• Answers to every question you ask when unsure, & so much more.
Postpartum & Infant Support
With the support of your Postpartum Doula, you will have the opportunity to rest more comfortably knowing that a reliable baby expert is with you every step of the way. Nothing can happen that you and your doula can’t handle together. This keeps you feeling calm, cool, and collected! This enables your confidence!
Postpartum & Infant Care Doula services can be scheduled during the day, through the night, 24 hours per day, or for short term live-in periods. Some of the things you can expect when you hire a Postpartum & Infant Care Doula from Bell House Doulas are...
• Reliable and accountable services
• Gentle care for you and your baby
• Our ability to recognize the early signs and symptoms
of postpartum mood disorders
• Guidance and support with any and all infant feeding choices
• Newborn care and hygiene instruction
• Healthy sleep recommendations and support
• Strategies for infant soothing and comforting
• Light housekeeping
• Meal and snack preparation, & so much more!
The placenta has power!
Placenta, Encapsulation, Tinctures, & Powder
Placenta encapsulation is the process of dehydrating the placenta, crushing it into powder form, and encapsulating it in gel capsules for consumption. In Western Culture, placenta consumption is not considered a popular practice, however, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners have been implementing this practice for centuries. The placenta is the only organ that the human body creates with a single purpose, and then releases when it is no longer of use.
Birth & Brunch - 1ST Saturday of Every Month
Special Newborn Care Class available to add on
How to know when to go … Recognizing Labor Signs
3 Creating your support circle
3 When to call providers
3 Dietary tips
3 Comfort & breathing techniques
3 What to expect in the hospital vs. home birthing
3 How to ask questions & get informed consent
3 Labor positions, pushing positions, & so much more!
Thriving Postpartum –
3rd Saturday of Every Month
Special infant feeding & breastfeeding
class available to add on
• Planning the postpartum period before
the baby is born
• Learn safety & best practices
• Sleep cycles
• Meal prep
• Newborn care
• Aftercare for c-section & natural births
• What to expect when you get home
with your baby
• Handling visitors – setting
expectations for loved ones
& so much more!
Lactation Support
Breastfeeding is known to reduce stress and decrease the risk of postpartum depression, but if you’ve already begun trying, you know that in the early days it can be extremely challenging…
We need you to know -
It’s NOT your fault! - It’s NOT your baby’s fault! - Your baby is NOT rejecting you!
During a 90-minute infant feeding session, we will...
• Assess your anatomy and your baby’s latch
• Offer gentle positioning guidance
• Troubleshoot challenges
• Develop strategies for feeding ease
• Discover feeding patterns
• Provide information on milk production
• Discuss difficulties
• Provide emotional support